Seedtime and Harvest: The diary of an Essex farmer


William Barnard of Harlowbury 1807-23.

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William Barnard was a tenant farmer at Halowbury in the parish of Harlow, Essex, for over fifty years, from 17908 to his death in 1852. From 1807 to 1823 he kept a weekly record of the weather and of his work on the farm in a vellum-bound volume which is now in the Essex Record Office.

Joyce Jones has used extracts from the diary weatherbook as the centrepiece of this book about Harlowbury, the Barnard family and farming in England immediately before it was transformed by mechanisation. Change was in the air but the land was still the relentless taskmaster it had always been and the farmer’s life was ruled by the weather.

Author: Joyce Jones


Format:  Paperback 56 pages

Published: Essex Record Office Publications (1 June. 1992)

Language: English


ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 0900360917

ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-0900360916


Additional information

Weight 156 g


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